Thursday, May 5, 2016

Psalm Six - Another View

I see David here as being full of grief. David is begging God not to discipline him while He is angry. As I read through David's prayer, I see that he is in great despair. Thoughts of his flight from Jerusalem with his family and his army. Running in fear of his life from his own son, Absalom. How horrendous it must have been for this warrior king, fleeing in abject fear from own to whom he gave birth.

Desperate for relief from God, David pours out his heart, heavy with a growing agony, with many tears. So many that he has turned his mattress into a deep, dark pool; deep enough that one could swim in it. His eyes are red-rimmed and swollen from all of his cries. So many tears that David is finding it difficult to see; his sight dimmed by the tears to the point that his sight is as dark as his heart feels.

In his grief, David screams at those who have haunted his heart; all of his enemies who are seeking to harm him. As he confronts them there on his bed, David remembers that it is God is listening, He has heard the cries of David's heart. And David also remembers that God rebukes his fears, demanding that all of his enemies turn aside and become ashamed at their exploits against him; and that very quickly.

I see so much of humanity, of myself, in David's prayer. We all have the same doubts and fears. Conversely, we also have the same Lord. So I say with Job and a popular hymn, 'I know that my redeemer lives' ... and He is able to keep that which I - and you - have committed unto Him ... until the day that He comes again on that day; 'The Day of His Glorious Appearing,' when He returns to claim His own and dwell with us for eternity.


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