The heavens declare the glory of God; each day He paints the skies with beautiful sights with just a whisper on the wind.

God placed the sun in its place in the sky. It appears every morning, reminding us of a bridegroom from ancient days that, when leaving his bridal suite, he runs joyously as would a track star who has broken the finish line and is dashing to accept his award. He runs his course through the skies from morning to night, hiding nothing from his light and his warmth. It is in this way that the whole world has received God’s message.
God’s law is total perfection, it converts the soul. It's testimony, its witness, is confident; for in its simplicity it brings us wisdom, for we are simple.
God’s rules to live by are the right road to travel, for they will fill you with His great joy. The commands He gives are pure truth. This truth gives us true enlightenment for our minds.
The fear and respect of God bring clarity which will last us our whole lives … even throughout eternity. When God judges, His judgments are truly righteous – unlike those of mankind.
All of these are to be desired more than the finest things this world can offer … more than the best food and wines, and even more than all the wealth this world could ever give you.
And by living according to God’s ways there is a great reward – in this life and throughout eternity, therein is your warning to live for God alone.
God, will You wash clean our lives so that we can start anew with You? Will You help me keep from these stupid sins I keep falling into? From thinking that I can replace You in my life and succeed? This is the prayer of my heart each day. Please accept them as I lay them on Your altar within my heart. Then You will be my God, the keeper of my soul … my heart of hearts. And I will be Your servant.
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