Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Psalms 119:11

I have harbored Your word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.*

*A Contemporary Translation of the Hebrew.

As I read this verse during my personal devotions this morning, I was impressed by the Lord the reality of this verse.

We all have learned that a harbor is a safe inlet of an ocean or a sea where a ship may lay anchor and wait out a storm, right? It seems that David is saying to the Lord that he has safely stowed God's word within his heart ... But what is he was actually saying that he has anchored his heart within God's word? 
safely hiding it within God, Himself? For we learn from the book of John that God's Word was God Himself written within the Scroll of the Torah.

So, have you harbored your heart within the safety of God's Word ... within God Himself for all of time? I am learning more each day about how I can do this with my heart ... with my very life. For, I want to be found safely harbored in the Lord when He returns at the end of time! Don't you?


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